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How do I record system sound?

Allow microphone access in security settings

Check that you have allowed microphone for the Terminal application in Security & Privacy settings.


Install Blackhole 16ch

Install Blackhole, a virtual audio cable to pass system sound as a microphone.

If you have brew installed, you can just type the following command to Terminal.

brew install blackhole-16c

Add Multi-Output Device and set Blackhole as input

On your desktop type command-space to launch Spotlight and type in midi and press enter to launch Auto MIDI Setup.

In Auto MIDI Setup, click on the bottom left corner + icon and add a new Multi-Output Device. In the list of devices, check Blackhole 16ch and also check your speakers or headphone.

Screenshot 2021-05-01 at 9 42 03 PM

Type command-space to launch Spotlight again and type in sound to launch Sound Settings.

On the Output tab, select Multi-Output Device and on the Input tab select BlackHole 16ch.

Screenshot 2021-05-01 at 9 45 49 PM

Screenshot 2021-05-01 at 9 52 15 PM

Set Blackhole as your audio device

In Game2Text, click on the cogwheel icon to launch the Settings Dialog.

Click on Audio Device and select Blackhole 16ch.

Screenshot 2021-05-01 at 9 50 10 PM


On Mac OS, automatic recording is disabled when you launch Game2Text but can be re-enabled afterwards.